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This N That N Other Stuff




                        THIS N THAT N OTHER STUFF
In 1988 I formed one of the first Agility clubs in
the Midwest.  Oh what fun we had - those were the days!!
In 1990 Luckie, Nickie, Cajun and I all qualified to compete at the
USDAA National Grand Prix of Dog Agility.
We ranked in the top fifteen competitors.
Luckie and me - pretty good for us.
                   I started teaching basic obedience and agility at home in my backyard.
                                In early 1991 I had the good fortune to be able to travel
                            to merry old England to attent the Crufts Centenial dog show.
                            It was during the first Gulf War and there were armed soldiers
                            everywhere.   I guess I would say I had a 'cheery ole time.'
England was Great, but I was glad to be back in the Good Old USA!!

In 1994 I opened my own dog grooming store and Nickie starred in her own ads on SnapOn tool brochures, posters and truck signs.  Nickie loved to model and was used on numerous greeting cards and in several national ads.



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